
There are a wide variety of rates depending on options you choose. Unless you are a qualified engineer or are bringing a qualified engineer, most people will want to choose hourly or daily with Jacob Belser engineering.

The studio is available:

  • hourly or daily (minimum fees may apply for hourly work)

  • with or without head or assistant engineers

  • with or without piano tuning

  • with or without video services

For example, the most expensive booking you can come up with would a day with Jacob Belser engineering, adding a piano tuning, an assistant, and video. That would be a total of $1,020.

I don’t mind being transparent about rates. The studio costs about $5000/month to operate before paying the owner (me) anything. Nearly 30 years in business informs me that the studio can be booked about 4 full days a week or 200 days per year. To break even, I need to charge a minimum $250/day for the studio without an engineer (do the math). I’m pleased to break even and I hope to make my profit off of my engineering fees, not from the studio fees, but it can’t lose money…I believe the rates here are as fair as you can find anywhere.