
Basic Headphone mixing on Cue sends, aka Aux sends

  • For small groups and overdubs, the easiest way to do headphone mixes is with the cue sends on the ssl

  • Patch the stereo cue out to mymix input 1-2, then cue 1 left to mymix input 3, cue 2 left to mymix 4, echo send 3 to mymix 5, and echo send 4 to mymix 6. Do it exactly like this and it will work properly with talkback going to the stereo cue and cues 1 and 2, but not 3 and 4. 

  • If you’d like click to be on its own send, which I’d recommend in most cases, pick an unused output of pro tools, I often use output 48, and patch it from one of the green row outs 48 into mymix input 16

  • You could also choose to patch the “MD” (music director) output into mymix 15 and use that as a separate dedicated talkback channel by using the MD button or the MD remote switch


Pro Tools setup for tracking


Headphone system, quick overview