Headphone system, quick overview
Watch the mymix advanced video or check out the manual to see how versatile and useful the mymix system can be. You can save complex setups and copy settings from unit to unit, all from the control room.
However, for a simple start, each mymix unit can have a number of different profiles that can be recalled easily. They all should be programmed with some basic starting profiles.
The easiest way to begin a new setup is to log into the mymix control server. To do this you connect to the “dreamUAP” wifi access point and then go to
From there, log into the webpage using “admin” and “admin”
With all of the mymix units you plan on using plugged in and powered on, go to the projects page and load the proper project, you’ll probably want “Basic Cues JB”
There should be profiles called SSLCuesOnly and CuesClickMD on every mymix
These are simple and an easy way to begin
The SSLCuesOnly profile will have the stereo cue and cues 1 to 4 already labeled as long as they are patched to mymix inputs 1 to 6, respectively, as seen in the basic headphone video.
The CuesClickMD profile will add click and MD, with click going to input 16 and MD to input 15
Go to the mymix page and change the global mymix profile to the one you want, it will recall that profile on every connected unit. If you connect more mymixes later, you’ll have to recall the profile on each new unit individually
Any mymix unit can go to preferences and recall a profile
While you can’t save over those profiles, you could save a new profile on each mymix
Please note that you can change the names of the mymix channels and it will affect all units, and will also appear with the new name the next time someone uses the system. In other words, you could rename cue 1 to be “drums” or “tommy” but know that it will retain that name the next time its used.
You can always open a project to get back to the standard names